Man Turns Inheritance into Random Acts of Kindness Campaign


George, a man from Northern Virginia, and his 3-year-old grandson have been doing random acts of kindness over the past month and have just completed their tour.

A while back, George received an unexpected inheritance that he told Fox News 5 DC that he didn’t need.

Instead of keeping it for himself, he decided to take his grandson, Miles, with him, and share this inheritance with people who were struggling.

For one month, George and Miles handed out $100 a day, with a note that read: “Please accept this random act of kindness. If you don’t need it feel free to share it with others.”

“I had this idea. I figured that some of us in the world are doing better than others. And that those of us who were needed to share some of that good fortune with the ones who aren’t doing so well,” said George.

The two started out on April 1st and continued doing it onwards. He says he doesn’t want this to be about him; he wants it to be about the act of giving to others.


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